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Nylon is a versatile thermoplastic filament used in 3D printing, known for its exceptional strength, flexibility, and resistance to wear. With excellent layer adhesion and a relatively low risk of warping, nylon is favored for producing durable and functional prototypes, mechanical parts, and complex geometries. Its ability to withstand stress and impact makes it suitable for applications where toughness and resilience are paramount in the world of additive manufacturing.




Functional Prototypes

Nylon is frequently used in 3D printing to create strong and durable functional prototypes, allowing for thorough testing of designs in real-world conditions.


Mechanical Components

Nylon's high strength and flexibility make it suitable for producing mechanical components and parts that require resilience and the ability to withstand stress and impact.


Complex Geometries

Nylon's excellent layer adhesion and low risk of warping make it ideal for printing intricate and complex geometries, expanding its applications to designs that demand precision and detail.


Bunny Cable Holder 

Bunny Cable Holder 

Bunny ears like girls shoes.


Design Tool:Tinkercad
Nylon Filament
3D printer: Flashforge Finder

Photo credits: MINGSHIUAN

Tiny Whoop Frame

Designed to use the 0703 size motors with 40mm props.

Completely 3D printed all 910 Nylon filament except for the battery holder which was printed with TPU. All plastic screws minus the metal motor screws. 27g with the runCam nano, 3min flight time and 24g with the FX805 combo, 3.5 to 4min flight times.

Tiny Whoop Frame

Photo credits: RYGAR1432

The Blade of Evil's Bane

The Blade of Evil's Bane

This sword model is a more realistic redesign of the Master Sword from The Legend Of Zelda game series. The text on the front of the blade translated from Hylian says, "The Sword of the Hero of Legend" and on the back, "The Blade of Evil's Bane."

Photo credits: RAXIUS

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